We can never resolve our sin by working on it (David Lynch- TrueFaced)
Living out off who God says I am (David Lynch)
Standing with God looking at my sin together and working on it whenever I am ready (David Lynch)
So I am watching the dvds to the book TRUEFACED. Really really good and challenging. In there David Lynch and his co-authors introduce the idea of the two rooms, one is called ROOM OF GOOD INTENTIONS (pleasing God) and one is called GRACE (trusting God).
As they paint the picture in front of the reader's eyes, it gets very clear how the first room is the room we go in frequently, but the second room is the one where we can be ourselves, where we can let go, where we feel peace and acceptance and love.
The more I am thinking about these two rooms, the sadder I become in a way. Why? I see myself in that room of good intentions. I want to please God and make things better, I have the best intentions and when I mess up, I get angry with myelf. Bammm, I am back in the cycle again. I just want to be in the ROOM OF GRACE, I do not know how it works yet really. However, I want to be there with all my heart, with all that is left within me. Trusting... that is a challenge in itself, whenever I worry or control, I practically tell God that I do not trust His sovereign leadership. crap!!
So here Iam, loosing the battle again and again, Lord, show me the room of grace, so I do not land in the one with just good intentions and masks, ok?
Help me out of that perfomance and in to grace and receiving love-piece!
I need you Lord, I do not want to live off of self-effort and shallow small talk. I want to dive in deep into your heart to learn how to be gracious to myself and how to let you be perfectly powerful in my weakness!
"Lost for words, so lost in love, I'm
sweetly broken, wholly surrendered"
-Jeremy Riddle
This is how I imagine you Kerstin....
So Lost in LOVE for Jesus that you live in a conundrum of where you find yourself periodically between the realm of Romans 7 and the book of James. I admire you and your fire and drive for God. I have so seldom found a person that, for as long as I have known you have been a hot fiery Coal for Christ that ignites the very heart of people around you. You are a renewer and a refiner.
Hi Kerstin
It's so great to see your desire to trust God and live out of who He says you are and your journey toward living in the room of grace more and more. My hope for you is that you are going through the TrueFaced book and DVD with someone who desires the same. Being exposed and "truefaced" with another individual is lifechanging.
Many Blessings to you!
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